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All posts in IT contracting

Significant growth in Australia’s IT market expected (Source: Staffing Industry)

Australia’s IT market is set to experience significant growth this year, as key digital and transformation project kicks off, according to a new survey from Recruitment firm Greythorn.

In particular, Greythorn is seeing an increased demand for User Interface (UI), and User Experience (UX) Developers, Business Analysts, Regulatory and Compliance Business Analysts, and Project Managers and Credit Risk & Market Risk Specialists. Architecture professionals are also in high demand and look set to continue to be so over the coming year.
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Good News: Demand for ICT Professionals up as Business Confidence Rises

The jobs outlook in Australia for ICT professionals is strengthening, month-on-month, as both government and private sector employers express confidence in the year ahead, according to the latest ICT Salary and Employment Index from recruitment firm Peoplebank, reports

The ICT jobs market has bounced into gear after the seasonal January lull, reflecting predictions that 2015 will be another big year for technology investments.
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Good News as IT job sector strengthens

Growth in both contracting and permanent IT roles.

The IT employment sector has strengthened in the past quarter with a lift in both contracting and permanent vacancies signalling an improving market, recent data shows.

The latest Peoplebank ICT Salary & Employment Index for May to July, released today, found in the major ICT markets demand had risen to the highest point in several years.

In NSW, job numbers grew by as much as 20 per cent over the last quarter and in the ACT, demand for ICT professionals was at its highest level for three years.

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