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All posts tagged Australia Visa

Skilled Migration Program Working Well: Report (source:

Despite recent controversy, Australia’s 457 visa program is working well, with foreign workers enjoying high levels of job satisfaction and many being used to train Australian workers, a comprehensive new report has found.

Published by the Migration Council Australia (MCA), a non-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the productive benefits of Australia’s migration programs, the More Than Temporary: Australia’s 457 visa program report analyses a survey of 3,800 visa holders and 1,600 businesses involved in the program.

It reveals that overall, 457 visa holders enjoy high levels of job satisfaction and integrate effectively into the workforce and into Australian society.

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Proposed Changes to Subclass 457 visa – Reform to be introduced 1 July 2013

Changes to Subclass 457 visa

The Minister for Immigration & Citizenship, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, has announced some major changes to the subclass 457, Temporary Work (Skilled), visa program.  While the Minister’s statement presents changes to Immigration policy the Department of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC) is still finalizing the details of the legislative.  Most changes are expected to be introduced on 1 July 2013.

The debate looks set to continue for some time yet, especially in the rub up to the federal elections later this year, but the government have acted first with Treasurer Wayne Swan announcing in his most recent Federal Budget that the cost of a 457 visa will be increased to AU$900 (£580) in July.

(Please note we have an updated article on the Latest updates on the 457 visa scheme, you can access it by clicking here)

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