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All posts tagged Australia

Significant growth in Australia’s IT market expected (Source: Staffing Industry)

Australia’s IT market is set to experience significant growth this year, as key digital and transformation project kicks off, according to a new survey from Recruitment firm Greythorn.

In particular, Greythorn is seeing an increased demand for User Interface (UI), and User Experience (UX) Developers, Business Analysts, Regulatory and Compliance Business Analysts, and Project Managers and Credit Risk & Market Risk Specialists. Architecture professionals are also in high demand and look set to continue to be so over the coming year.
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The roles that Australian companies find hardest to fill (Source: Financial Review)

A talent shortage has led to 42 per cent of Australian employers struggling to fill roles despite national unemployment at 6.1 per cent, a survey has found.

Human resource and recruitment company Manpower Group Australia surveyed more than 1500 businesses and found one quarter of Australian companies were not currently implementing any tactics to curb the impact of the talent shortage.

In the annual survey, skilled trades were remained the hardest roles to fill.

This year management and executive positions came in at second hardest role to fill, up from ranked fifth in 2014.
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Seven things that define Australia

Most of us would agree that Australia has a lot going for it. But what is it that defines us?

McCrindle Research has put together a list of Australia’s seven defining traits — from our relative prosperity to entrepreneurial spirit.

They have characterised us for decades, but as times change and new trends emerge, how relevant are they to who we are as a nation today?
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