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All posts tagged Australian Budget 2013

Change in NSW Payroll Tax

SDP welcome the recent NSW Budget measures, the announcement for payroll tax reforms to boost jobs and will aim to kick-start business with payroll tax relief.

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South Australia State Budget 2013: Payroll tax relief for small business (Source: adapted from




The recent announced plans for this year’s State Budget see that businesses will be rewarded with payroll tax concessions, more money for training and a suite of more modest support measures.


Basically the Government will cut payroll tax in half for businesses with a payroll of up to $1 million, in a temporary measure for two years which will provide a maximum saving of up to $9800.

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How much of what was announced in the budget will actually become law?

Author:  Raj Sesha, Tax Agent and Director SDP Solutions


Given that this is an election year with the current government’s chances of being re-elected are low, that is the question in everyone’s mind.  As it was expected budget deficit, disability scheme and spend on education etc.  are confirmed.  I shall not go into the macro economic items, but will focus on what are the tax, super and other changes that impacts businesses and independent contractors.

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