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All posts tagged recruitment

Good News: Demand for ICT Professionals up as Business Confidence Rises

The jobs outlook in Australia for ICT professionals is strengthening, month-on-month, as both government and private sector employers express confidence in the year ahead, according to the latest ICT Salary and Employment Index from recruitment firm Peoplebank, reports

The ICT jobs market has bounced into gear after the seasonal January lull, reflecting predictions that 2015 will be another big year for technology investments.
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The Evolution of the Recruitment Consultant (Source: Recruit Loop)

Infographic of the Evolution of the Recruitment Consultant

Over the past ten years, recruiting has experienced more change than in the previous 40.

This infographic from Recruit Loop, a great indication of how recruitment has changed.  The recruiter today is unrecognisable from even a few years ago.  As technology changes every industry, recruiters have been impacted particularly hard.

Recruiting Professionals have evolved with the times, but what does the future hold?
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